What makes a good mechanical engineer?
Mechanical Engineers are very much in demand in the Auburn Hills, Rochester, Troy, Warren and Sterling Heights areas. With the changes in the economy, companies need qualified, skilled candidates to help their companies grow. We know what companies are looking for in a skilled Mechanical Engineer. The analytical, problem solving, detail oriented, mathematically inclined individuals are out there and we can help you fill the openings within your organization. Whether your company is in the automotive sector or a local municipality, we are confident we can assist you in finding the correct mechanical engineer for your job!
If you’re not ready for a direct hire, we have a very attractive temporary to direct hiring approach that allows you to make sure the employee is the correct fit before hiring them direct. We find this makes sense for a lot of businesses that have been faced with new hires that have not worked out in the past. Let our recruiters know if you’d like to hear more about our temp to direct model. Email us today! info@starttalentinc.com